Matching fragments from the Tebtynis Temple Library “deposit”. 26 July, 18.00 CET

Talk Matching fragments from the Tebtynis Temple Library "deposit": preliminary work to develop an AI software, with some examples of Greek documents, in the Digital Classicist Seminars

Matching fragments from the Tebtynis Temple Library “deposit”. 26 July, 18.00 CET

Non perdete l'ultimo seminario della serie Digital Classicist Seminar - organizzato da K. Shields (KCL) e G. Bodard (ICS) (clicca qui per il programma completo) - dal titolo Matching fragments from the Tebtynis Temple Library "deposit": preliminary work to develop an AI software, with some examples of Greek documents.

La presentazione, rientrante nel progetto PRIN PNRR 2022 "Reconstructing Fragmentary Papyri through Human-Machine Interaction: case studies from two Italian collections", illustrerà alcuni dei primi risultati ottenuti dallo studio dei frammenti papiracei del "deposito" della biblioteca del tempio di Sobek a Tebtynis, appartenenti ai Papiri della Società Italiana (PSI) e conservati presso l'Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli".

Il seminario avrà luogo il 26 luglio all 17.00 BST (= 18.00 CET) presso il Senate House MakerSpace di Londra (prenotazione obbligatoria qui), ma sarà anche trasmesso in live streaming su Youtube.


Do not miss the last seminar of the series of the Digital Classicist Seminars - organised by K. Shields (KCL) and G. Bodard (ICS) (full programme here) - with the title Matching fragments from the Tebtynis Temple Library “deposit”: preliminary work to develop an AI software, with some examples of Greek documents

The talk is part of the PRIN PNRR 2022 project "Reconstructing Fragmentary Papyri through Human-Machine Interaction: case studies from two Italian collections" and will present some of the first results of the study of the papyrus fragments from the “deposit” of the Temple library of Tebtynis, belonging to the Papiri della Società Italiana (PSI) and kept in the Istituto Papirologico “G. Vitelli”. 
The seminar will take place on July 26th at 17.00 BST (= 18.00 CET) in the Senate House MakerSpace in London (booking required here) but will be also live-streamed on Youtube.


16 July 2024



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